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hyme. bends over backward to help anyone with a house get the best service providers
From streamlining paperwork to scoring better internet, I’ll help you relax about the details, so you can spend more time doing whatever rocks your world.
Contracts and deadlines have never been so easy.
Simplify communication between tenants, landlords, and service partners.
Get fast, trustworthy, vetted connections.
“It handles my life, so I don’t have to.”
Lucy Greer, Owner, Green Estates, Flevoland

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hyme. The app for regular people with extraordinary lives
I'm the friend that keeps sensitive details private


AI makes it simple
Even when it all goes wrong, you can wake up stress-free with me... and that includes that moment in the near future when you’ll have no clean clothes and a broken washing machine. Don’t worry! I’ve already arranged the mechanic. 😉

Get answers before you ask.
Get a house manager.
Get power.
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